阳东县和利五金刀剪厂,位于“中国刀剪之乡”广东省阳江市 , 本公司是一间颇具生产规模和经济实力雄厚的民营企业。本公司拥有先进的设备、生产技术和管理人员。
主要生产及经营各式刀具、美容工具、不锈钢剪刀、厨房用品、烤具及花园工具等五金系列及塑料系列产品,以造型美观实用,质量上乘,品种畅销国内外,深受客商信赖和用户青睐,主要出口欧美。同时, 本企业还可根据客户的需要度身订做,并为客户提供较优良的售后服务。
Yangjiang Heli Hardware and Plastic Products Incorp. Ltd ,is located in China knives' and scissors' Orign– Yangjiang ,Guangdong. Our company is a well-established private enterprise with strong production line and solid econimic capacity . We have efficient equipments, advanced technology and professional administractors here.
We mainly deal with a series of kitchen implements such like various kinds of kitchen knives、cheese knives、steak knives、pocket knives、scissors、kitchenwares、BBQ tools、canned openers、etc. Our products obtain a good marker both home and abroad for their multifarious designs 、superior quality and competitive prices . Our prosucts are absolutely reliable and will be your customers’ favourite .
Our prosucts mainly export to European and Amerian countries. Also, we can produce as your demands and offer you our most favourable after-sale service.